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Obtaining resources

Access to the FRIKA infrastructure may be granted (upon request) to all employees of UL FRI. Applications should be addressed to the UL FRI Management Board. They should briefly explain the services that are to be deployed on the allocated VM and the amount of resources needed (number of vCPUs, amount of VM memory, amount of memory on the GPU, amount of disk), together with a justification of the scope. The maximum amount of RAM per GPU requested is 40GB (systems are based on A100 40GB SMX4). The application should also list the expected level of utilization, i.e. the expected number of users, and how this fits in with the promotion of UL FRI. All websites and/or services deployed on FRIKA are expected to announce that they are running on the UL FRI FRIKA infrastructure (exposure of a UL FRI logo is sufficient).

Once access is granted by the UL FRI Management Board, the technical questions should be directed to

Resource usage is monitored and in case of higher numbers of applications, the allocated quota may be reduced depending on utilization history.